
This is what happened when I deleted social media for 10 days

So, this is what happened when I deleted my social media apps...

Disclaimer: this is not to brag or anything like that, I just want to give context. The reason I deleted my social media apps is because I watched Sarah Jakes Roberts sermon "Afraid of the Dark" and at the end, her and Toure Roberts said that they were going on a 10 day fast for Pentecost Sunday. Basically, what Pentecost Sunday is a celebration of the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend watching this sermon! They said in order to do the fast you absolutely had to delete the social media apps from your phone and so thats what I did. And i'm so glad that I did!

Surprisingly, I didn't feel a longing to download them back. I didn't feel affected in any negative way without them, I was undistracted. I didn't have the worries and stresses of the people bondage that comes along with being addicted to your Instagram. Neither did I carry around the weight of everyone else's problems and inner most personal thoughts. It was honestly like removing a dark cloud from above my head. Let's be real, social media can be super toxic! Yes, there are benefits of course, or I would actually delete my accounts. But, when you spend hours a day scrolling on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram like we all are guilty of there can be some damaging effects. Besides the scientific facts, just think about the behavior of your followers or maybe even yourself. I know i'm guilty of having no filter and reposting whatever I felt like reposting or saying whatever was on my mind that shouldn't have been said. Now, I don't do that anymore i've matured from that but I understand feeling like you have no one to vent to so instead of talking to God or even a close friend you post it to your stories or your twitter feed. Why? because you feel like God won't talk back so what's the use and you feel like your friends won't care or understand what you're going through. You want instant gratification. But, i'm here to tell you that God is the best form of therapy! He hears you, He knows you, and He will answer you. Stop running to your social media and start running to God! Social media will not help you instead it may just be hurting you even more. If your trying to walk in new life with Christ and better yourself but there's all kinds of distracting things in your face, if you aren't disciplined yet it'll throw you off and you'll be right back to the things you've been trying to go away from. Open your Bible and get to reading the Word. (If you don't have the Bible app on your phone I highly recommend downloading it). I promise, the Bible has instruction and answers for any and every problem under the sun. If you're like "well I don't comprehend what the Bible says", there are tonssss of translations. I recommend NLT or NIV and the Message Bible is cool too but I read that only sometimes and after reading the NLT and NIV translation. 

Back to the 10 day social media fast journey: instead of waking up and going straight to Instagram to look at nothing, I read my Bible and spent time with God. I listened to podcasts like The Influencer podcast and the Goal Digger podcast which has been helping me with my mindset and giving me knowledge on being an influencer, blogger and businesswoman. I felt like June was going to be a month for renewal and Sarah Jakes Roberts sermon confirmed that as she  preached about renewing the spirit of your mind. I felt my mind being renewed my 10 days without social media. If you want to hear me talk more in depth about these 10 days, what I did and what God showed me click here!

I hope the video helps you and you enjoy it! If yes, please like, comment and subscribe! More content to come. 

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